Equilibrium Massage Therapies
(Manchester UK)

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To view existing reviews of Andy's massage work at Equilibrium or leave a review of your own then please follow the link below:

Google Business Entry for Equilibrium Massage Therapies

  • To view the existing reviews on the above page, scroll down the page until you see the All Reviews section
  • To leave a review on the above page, please press the WRITE A REVIEW button in the Review Summary section. This is just below the main picture, to the right of the page.


  • If you do not already have a Google account then you will have to sign up for one to do add a review, but this is a simple process and does not take long to do. 
  • Please put your first name or initials at the end of the review, so I have some idea of who is leaving a review. This is just so that I can get back to you with any appropriate follow-up to your review.   
  • If you cannot manage to create a Google account, in order to leave a review then please simply write a review in an email and send to me. I will at some point update my website and all the reviews will also appear on here.

ALTERNATIVELY, you may find it easier to leave me reviews on the following websites: